Alex Kuptsikevich, chief market analyst at FxPro, mentioned that the recent deep pullback in Bitcoin could be attributed to other factors, such as the easing of geopolitical tensions between Lebanon and Israel, which has weakened investor demand for safe-haven assets such as Bitcoin. In addition, Matt Mena, crypto research strategist at 21Shares, said that this kind of pullback behavior has also occurred at the previous highs of Bitcoin, explaining: "In March of this year, when Bitcoin was hover...
FxPro首席市场分析师Alex Kuptsikevich提到,近期比特币的深度回调可能归因于其他因素,黎巴嫩与以色列之间地缘政治紧张局势的缓解,削弱了投资者对比特币等避险资产的需求。此外,21Shares的加密研究策略师Matt Mena表示,回调这种行为在比特币此前的高点也有发生,他解释说:“今年3月,当比特币徘徊在2021年的历史高点6...
Alex Kuptsikevich, senior market analyst at FxPro, said: "Bitcoin has rallied sharply in response to the US election results and could solidify its strength ahead of the next rally. Overall, the new highs have triggered a strong wave of new growth that could rise to $10- $110,000 in 2-3 months." (Coindesk)
FxPro 高级市场分析师 Alex Kuptsikevich 表示:“受美国大选结果影响,比特币大幅上涨,并可能在下一次上涨之前巩固其强势。总的来说,新的高点已经引发了一波强劲的新增长浪潮,有可能在 2-3 个月内升至 10-11 万美元。”(Coindesk)
Alex Kuptsikevich, senior market analyst at FxPro, said in a report that the increase in market risk appetite following the Federal Reserve's decision has helped cryptocurrencies reach new highs in the past three weeks. "The downtrend has been ongoing since March, with the previous peak of around $64,000 roughly coinciding with the 200-day moving average. We believe that Bitcoin may encounter strong resistance at this level, and once it breaks through this level, the upward path will be opened,"...
FxPro 高级市场分析师 Alex Kuptsikevich 在一份报告中表示,美联储决议后市场风险偏好的增加,帮助加密货币创下过去三周内新高。 "自三月以来的下行趋势一直存在,之前约 64,000 美元的峰值大致与 200 日移动均线重合。我们认为比特币可能会在这一水平遇到强大的阻力,一旦突破这一点位,向上的道路将被打开。"Kuptsikevich表示。
Alex Kuptsikevich, senior market analyst at FxPro, said in a report on Thursday that the upcoming easing of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve could encourage BTC bulls to overcome the short-term downtrend, or could help bitcoin reach $66,000. However, the report also noted that the new selling momentum remains mainstream and could fall back to $55,000.
FxPro 高级市场分析师 Alex Kuptsikevich 在周四的一份报告中表示,美联储即将放松货币政策可能会鼓励 BTC 多头克服短期下行趋势,或将助推比特币达到 66,000 美元。不过,该报告也指出,新的抛售势头仍然是主流,可能会回落至 55,000 美元。
Alex Kuptsikevich, senior market analyst at FxPro, said that $61,800 may be a key price point for the recent bitcoin bulls. He said: "If bitcoin can rise above $61,800, it could push the market up rapidly to $67,000." Alex Kuptsikevich further explained that $61,800 is also the intersection of bitcoin's 50-day and 200-day moving averages.
FxPro 高级市场分析师 Alex Kuptsikevich 表示,61,800 美元或是最近比特币多头的关键价位,他表示:“如果比特币能够升至 61,800 美元上方,可能会推动市场迅速上涨至 67,000 美元。” Alex Kuptsikevich 进一步解释说,61,800 美元也是比特币 50 天和 200 天移动均线的交汇价格点。